Blogging inspo: My favorite bloggers and creatives

I’m sure any blogger will tell you, no matter what their niche is, that they are inspired by at least one other blogger in their circle. Creating new content week after week requires motivation and inspiration and the blogging community is one of the best places to find both of those things.

When I first started this blog and more recently as I’ve gotten back into blogging, I’ve found a lot of people who inspire me. Some are people I know personally, some are people whose pictures are amazing and some just share great tips on blogging and creating content.

Now that I’m back in the blogging game, I wanted to give a shout out to some of my favorite bloggers (and Insta bloggers) who inspire me on the daily and who just might give you a little inspo too! So here goes nothing:

#1: A Beautiful Mess

ABeautifulMess insta

A Beautiful Mess has to be my favorite blog on the interwebs. If you read last week’s blog post then you know that the A Beautiful Mess blog is what inspired me to get back into blogging. Their blog is clean and bright and you can tell that a lot of hard work goes into maintaining the site. Elsie and Emma are sisters who started the blog and now they have a growing team of contributors, bloggers, editors and more who curate and post amazing content every day. They also have a beauty brand called Oui Fresh that sells anything from essential oils to makeup to apparel.

#2: Melyssa Griffin

melyssa griffin insta

Melyssa Griffin is a serious girl boss. She has a blog and podcast, where she provides tips and advice on how to start a successful blog or small business. She has an awesome story, too. She used to work a typical 9 to 5 job that left her unsatisfied. Finally one day she quit her job and started her business, which is now so successful that she offers online courses and resources for small biz owners and bloggers. She’s a really great example of someone who figured out what they wanted and went for it.

#3: Sarah Buchanan

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I found Sarah Buchanan on Instagram (@heysarahbuchanan). I don’t even remember how but I’m so glad I did. I’ve already participated in one of her giveaways and she chose me to receive a fun mystery package, absolutely free! Not only that, but she also has a fun essential oils account (@simplysarah_oils) where she talks all about the health benefits of essential oils. Her Insta stories are inspirational and fun at the same time and she’s also an awesome songwriter.

#4: Raegan McAdams

fortheprettythings insta

Raegan is someone who I know personally. We go to the same church in Denton, TX (Hope Fellowship) and she started an Instagram blog (@fortheprettythings) a few months ago for all the pretty things in life. She not only takes AMAZING pictures, but her captions are always on point. I especially like all her posts about coffee (lol) and how real she is. Her stories are really fun and engaging and she’s just an all around, great person.

#5: The Honest Pursuit

thehonestpursuit insta

The Honest Pursuit is a blog run by my friend Lauren (@thehonestpursuit). We met freshman year and though we don’t see each other very often in person, we keep up on social media. I originally started my blog around-ish the same time Lauren started hers and I’ve loved her content ever since then. She always seems to remind me of something that I need to hear and always keeps it real.

#6: Liz White

liz white insta

Liz White helps women with small businesses stress less and earn more. She has an accountability group on Facebook that I joined, where female entrepreneurs share their goals for their businesses and share inspiration. Liz is awesome and she’s real too. She shares how she made her own business work and her Insta photos are on. point. She isn’t afraid to tell it like it is and talk about her failures alongside her successes. She’s the definition of a girl boss.

#7: Femme Fatale

femme fatale insta

Femme Fatale (@femmefatale.tx) is an Insta blog of sorts run by my friend Anna. We went to elementary school together and both went to the same university. Anna started Femme Fatale as a place for women to support other women. She posts encouraging quotes about confidence and perseverance and overall bad-assery. Anna started the brand all on her own and has grown a really impressive following; it’s not hard to see why.

#8: Made To Thrive

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Made To Thrive (@madetothrive) is another inspiring account that helps people with blogs, small businesses and other ventures figure their sh*t out and create the brand they want. Lindsay runs the business and does graphic design and WordPress work for lots of different people. She has an impressive resume and her Instagram is clean, fresh and fun.


What about you? Who are some of your favorite bloggers/creatives/entrepreneurs? How do they inspire you?

7 thoughts on “Blogging inspo: My favorite bloggers and creatives

  1. Anna Barringer says:

    Sarah it is SO nice to see so many inspiring ladies all compiled in one well-written post 💋. You mentioned a lot of pages that I’ve never seen before, so I will definitely check them out! So honored to be one of the pages that inspires you. Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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